Soulard Star Directory 2025
✯ SOULARD STAR DIRECTORY | 2025 22 If you still feel you are being followed, turn and in a loud voice say,“Stop following me.” Go to an occupied building or flag down a car or taxi and ask the driver to call the police • Do not be afraid to draw attention to the fact that you feel at risk • Carry only the cash and credit cards that you need • Do not hitch-hike or get into a car with a driver who is asking directions IN YOUR CAR: • Always keep your car doors locked. Look inside the car before entering and lock the doors when you are inside • If you suspect you are being followed by another vehicle, drive to the nearest police station, service station or restaurant and blow your horn • If you have car trouble, raise the hood, get back in your car and lock it. If someone offers assistance, remain in the car and ask that person to call for help • Do your part. If you see a motorist in trouble, call for help IF YOU ARE ASSAULTED • There is no right or wrong response to a sexual assault.You must use your own judgment when deciding what to do • Purses and valuables can be replaced. It is not worth risking personal injury for property. Don’t be heroic and take any foolish chances. It is better to lose your property than lose your life • Remember that surprise and speed can be used in your favor. Run and yell if there is an opportunity • Call the police as soon as possible. Don’t chase or follow the perpetrator. Police could mistake you for the bad guy • Ask witnesses to stay until an officer arrives • Try to remember points of identification about the suspect and, if possible, write this information down while it is fresh in your memory.Try to notice the suspect’s height compared to yours, scars, rings, tattoos, or other item you might recognize if you saw the suspect again. Other valuable information includes hairline, hair length and color, facial hair, and how the suspect spoke • If a weapon is used, try to notice the barrel length, color, color of grips, and type of weapon • Consider taking a self-defense course that teaches awareness, avoidance and action PROTECT YOUR HOME • We all have the potential to be victims of crime. Each of us can REDUCETHE RISK of our homes/property being victimized by eliminating the opportunity. • Officers from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department will conduct security surveys, free of charge, to all city residents.The officer will give you pointers on proper locks, landscaping and lighting to reduce your risk of becoming a victim. Contact . WINDOW SECURITY • Most windows can be pinned for security. Drill a 3/16” hole on a slight downward slant through the inside window frame and halfway into the outside frame–place a nail/pin in the hole to secure the window • Sliding glass doors/windows can be lifted out of their tracks with relative ease. Install self-tapping screws in the upper track that allow the door/window to slide into place. Place a piece of wood snugly into the bottom track–this will resist lateral forcing DOOR SECURITY • Locks with key holes in the knob are NOT reliable–they can easily be forced • Doors should be mounted so hinge-bolts are not facing outwards • Install one-inch deadbolt locks on all exterior doors • Chain locks are poor security–install a wide-angle viewer instead–and use it before opening the door • Padlocks should be ‘heel-and-toe’ locking • Change your locks if you lose your key or when you move continued from page 20 continued on page 24
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