Soulard Star Directory 2025
✯ SOULARD STAR DIRECTORY | 2025 38 • Refer to “Pets” for information on noise from pets. Nuisance • A “nuisance” is defined as a continuing act or physical condition which is, made, permitted, allowed or continued by any person or legal entity or their agents, which is significantly detrimental to the safety, welfare, or convenience of the inhabitants of the city or a substantial part thereof; specific examples include prostitution, illegal gambling, illegal possession or delivery of drugs, or any other activity that constitutes a felony, misdemeanor or ordinance violation under federal, state or municipal law. (§15.42.020) • The Director of Public Safety is empowered to deliver a notice to abate a nuisance within 30 days. If the nuisance is not abated within 30 days, the offender may be fined.The Director of Public Safety may seek other remedies, such as eviction of offending tenants and/or closing of the premises causing the nuisance for up to one year. (§15.42.030, §15.42.040, §15.42.050) Peace Disturbance • Disturbing the peace of others is prohibited by noisy, riotous, disorderly, violent, tumultuous, offensive, or obstreperous conduct, or by loud and unusual noises, or unseemly, profane, obscene, indecent, lewd or offensive language calculated to provoke a breach of peace, or assaulting, striking or fighting another in a public place. (§15.46.030) Pets • Keeping any animal, bird or fowl that by causing frequent or long continued noise shall tend to disturb the comfort and repose of any person in the vicinity is prohibited; any such noise that can be distinctly heard at a distance of more than 100 feet from its source shall be excessive. (§15.51.040) • All cats and dogs present in the city must have received rabies immunization; any dog present in the city for more than 30 days must be registered. (§10.04.040, §10.04.050) • All registered dogs and cats must have received vaccinations and must wear a tag evidencing such registration and vaccination. (§10.04.060, §10.04.070) • Every dog owner must remove any feces left by said dog on any sidewalk, gutter, street, park or other public area, or on any private property used by said dog for depositing any feces, if the same is done in the presence of the owner of said dog, or in the presence of any person exercising control over said dog at the time of said offense. (Ordinance 59257) • All dogs must be kept on a leash and are not allowed to roam free. (Ordinance 62016) • It is a violation of city ordinance to keep more than four (4) animals on a premise.The four allowable domesticated animals may be any combination of dogs and cats and may include no more than oneVietnamese pot-bellied pig. (Ordinance62853) Property: Storage, Address • Use of land within any dwelling district for the purpose of open storage (appliances, derelict vehicles) is prohibited. (§26.16.030) • Houses shall correctly display the address on the front and rear of property. (Ordinance 60314) (The law requires 3” letters to be clearly visible from the front and 2” numbers in the rear if there is an alley entrance at the rear of the property.) continued from page 36
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