Soulard Star Directory 2025
✯ SOULARD STAR DIRECTORY | 2025 58 TRASH TASK FORCE The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department is stepping up its efforts to combat illegal dumping with a Trash Task Force. If you see illegal dumping as it is occurring, get a license plate number if possible and call the police non-emergency number at 314-231-1212. When reporting it after the fact, call the Citizens’ Service Bureau (314-622-4800) and ask the operator to flag it for the Trash Task Force.This will expedite a response from the Refuse Division to clean it up and Trash Task Force officers will look for evidence they can use to identify anyone responsible. In addition, cameras will be installed in locations with frequent illegal dumping.The task force has already been successful in closing cases. Be sure to tell the CSB operator your call is for the Trash Task Force. Illegal dumping includes large amounts of trash that won’t fit in the Dumpster, including mattresses, construction debris, etc., and anyone dumping trash from outside the city. If the information you provide results in the conviction of the suspect, you may be eligible for a $100 reward. TRASH TIPS AND ALLEY ETIQUETTE • The city provides alley trash receptacles for the use of residents.A refuse truck will not empty a receptacle if it is too heavy or if items are propped or stacked around it. Drivers do not get out of their trucks to put items in it. • Separate receptacles are provided for yard waste, regular trash and in some areas, recycling. • Put recyclables in the blue receptacles installed in some Soulard alleys.There is also a row of blue recycling receptacles at South 7th and Ann streets. • Using receptacles for the wrong refuse (i.e. mixing yard waste and trash) costs the city money.The mixed trash must be separated by hand to comply with state law in order to be accepted by landfills. • Bulk item pick-up is once per month.The week of bulk pick-up is posted on the trash receptacle. Bulk items might be furniture, mattresses, tires, etc. • The fine for illegal dumping in the city of St. Louis is $500. • Construction debris cannot be put into alley receptacles (this is considered illegal dumping – see previous item). city residents (with proof of residency) can take one pickup truck load of debris per month to the Refuse Department south transfer station at 4100 S. 1st Street. Otherwise, have your contractor obtain a permit and rent a construction refuse container. ALLEYS Property owners are responsible for keeping their half of their alleys free of litter, weeds and overgrown trees, as well as in safe and sanitary conditions.The city is responsible for lighting in the alleys and easements, but this work is contracted out to Ameren for maintenance and replacement of bulbs.To report any alley or easement light out, call Ameren at 342-1000. REFUSE CONTAINERS The city of St. Louis provides brown refuse, green yard waste and in some blocks, blue recycling containers in alleys. Household trash is collected twice a week on either Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday, depending on where you live.Yard waste is emptied one day during the week.These refuse containers are not intended for use by commercial enterprises. Each refuse container is shared by several households, but if your particular refuse container is filled you may use another. However, only the residents who live on the same block are permitted to use the refuse container in that alley.
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