UCity Directory 2024

University City Community Directory | 2024-25 23 EMERGENCY CODE RED ALERTS University City offers CodeRED, a high-speed, web-based mass emergency notification system. The system gives University City Public Safety the ability to push text notifications and send telephone messages to share critical communications throughout the City or specific targeted areas when there is an emergency situation that requires immediate action. Examples include automated CodeRED weather warnings that can be launched just moments after a bulletin has been issued by the National Weather Service for severe thunderstorms, flash floods, tornadoes and winter storms. Available since 1998, CodeRED is used by more than 3,000 state and local government entities across the United States and Canada. In addition to severe weather situations, CodeRED can be used to issue alerts about drinking water contamination, utility outages, evacuation notices and routes, street closures, missing persons, fires or floods, bomb threats, chemical spills, gas leaks and more. To register for CodeRed Alerts, visit https://public.coderedweb.com/CNE/BFB77207BF2C, text “UCITY” to 99411 to register on a smartphone, or pick up an application at City Hall. SERVICES FOR THE DISABLED U. City complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure access to city services. The northwest entrance to City Hall is accessible to the disabled. All our parks are accessible to the disabled. For assistance with roll-out refuse carts or to obtain a disabled parking space on the street, contact the Public Works Department at 314-505-8560. Interpretation services for City Council meetings may be arranged by calling 314-505-8605 at least 48 hours before the meeting. Delicious Attractive Fresh and Kosher Circle@Crown Cafe Catering Contact Liz DuBro, Cafe Manager at crowncenterstl.org/cafe or 314-412-4350. Great for Family Events & Business Meetings Founded in 1997, TGC is a non-profit arts and environmental education organization dedicated to helping people understand the natural world through hands-on experiences. Outdoor programs are offered throughout the year on nature related topics. Please visit our website to learn more about our innovative nature programming and volunteer opportunities. 8025 Blackberry Avenue • 314-725-8314 www.thegreencenter.org