UCity Directory 2024
30 2024-25 | University City Community Directory continued on page 32 informed schools. In the fall of 2020, she was recognized as the region’s “Stellar Performer in Education,” by the St. Louis American Foundation, earning the title of “Disruptor-in-Chief,” for her unwavering advocacy for system reform in schools, with a focus on students and racial equity. • In 2019, Hardin-Bartley was named “New Superintendent of the Year,” by the Missouri Association of School Administrators. She speaks regionally and nationally about racial equity in education and the importance of student voice, social justice and well-being in school settings. • The District is proud to be home to two LEED-certified schools, Barbara C. Jordan Elementary and Pershing Elementary. The District maintains a 1:1 device ratio for both teachers and students. • The K-8 schools have active parent organizations called “collaboratives” under the umbrella of One U City , a joint school collaborative serving all elementary schools and the middle school to help promote equity for parent and student activities and events. UCHS PTO supports our high school. • We invite the community to come out and “Show Your PRIDE” at school and District community events! Each fall, the UCHS Homecoming Parade attracts cheering spectators along its route from the U. City Loop to the high school. Details about the parade and other school District events can be found at www.ucityschools.org . At every opportunity, we invite our community to come out and “Show the Pride!” About Our Schools: The School District of University City serves students in pre- kindergarten through grade 12 and consists of one high school, one middle school, four elementary schools and an early childhood education center, along with programs for adult education and literacy. University City High School serves students in grades 9-12; and has a longstanding tradition of graduating an impressive number of National Merit®, National Achievement®, Missouri Arts and Bright Flight scholars. U. City Lions excel as championship athletes and robotics challengers. In 2024, both the UCHS girls’ and boys’ basketball teams won Missouri Class 4 District 6 championships. UCHS has a natatorium on campus. Recently, water polo, historically a UCHS standout, was reinstated through a partnership with Webster Groves; and the girls’ middle and high school field hockey have merged with neighboring communities to strengthen their teams. Traditionally, U. City students earn recognitions in art, choir, band, Latin, sustainability and journalism. Brittany Woods Middle School serves grades 6-8 and strives to maintain an inclusive environment where all students receive what they need to thrive. Academic offerings include core subjects with regular and advanced courses, as well as foreign language electives (French, Latin and Spanish), fine and performing arts (visual arts, band, choir, dance, continued from page 28 The University City High School’s Orchestra Enrichment Program collaborates with professional musicians from The Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra to provide mentorship. In March 2024, the University City High School made history when both the girls’ and boys’ varsity basketball teams won their respective district (Class 4, District 6) championships in the same season.
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