St. Louis Hills House Tour 2023
6 • St. Louis Hills House Tour • 2023 “I am St. Louis Hills!” Ron ‘Johnny Rabbitt’ El z – KMOX Introduction The date is August 19, 1964. The location is the Cow Palace in San Francisco. The Beatles are about to begin their very first concert in the United States. They are introduced to the sold-out crowd by St. Louis Hills resident Johnny Rabbitt. In addition to Ron’s amazing career, he and his wife, Gwen, have been residents of St. Louis Hills for over almost fifty years. Here is his story... More often than not, when I’m asked about where I live, and I answer in St. Louis City, the inquirer usually seems astonished, and asks why? But when I pin-point that my wife Gwen and I live in St. Louis Hills, that shock turns to understanding, and often envy. St. Louis Hills has had this effect on people for 93 years now, and we have always experienced such a reaction for the 47 years we’ve lived here. When I was asked to pen this vignette, my first thought was to lay out some historical facts and stuff since this is the kind of research and writing I’ve been doing in newspaper articles, books, publishing, presentations and radio & TV shows for over half a century. But the St. Louis Hills House Tour should really be about today...and even more importantly about tomorrow. Walk around, see the amazing collection of residential architecture, and meet some of the people who may someday be your neighbors. St. Louis Hills personifies friendliness and caring. It’s a place for the future that’s built on the solid foundations of the past. You might consider getting the history-based book ‘St. Louis Hills’ by Ann Zanaboni in which I did the forward. Plus consider a visit to the Missouri Historical Society Library & Research Center at
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