Sheldon Vol2 PINK

The Sheldon staff on what’s making them feel colorfully curious right now. The fact that there are no squirrels in Hawaii. WHY IS IT SO HOT ? I’ve been thinking a lot about arts organizations through the lens of human-cen- tered design. It’s been so rewarding to see the vertical garden come to life I am always curious about what is new and innovative in St. Louis. Pluto’s journey into Aquarius. RB LW AD CP EM JK with native florals, birds, bugs & other living creatures. I’m curious to see how the garden evolves over the next season! This region is full of interesting and creative people, and I enjoy discovering more about what makes this community unique. I’m curious about how examining internal processes and communica- tion through this lens can improve company culture, streamline systems, create work-life balance and improve the health of the industry as a whole. The Sheldon staff on what’s making them feel colorfully curious right now. The fact that there are no squirrels in Hawaii. WHY IS IT SO H T ? I’ve been thinking a lot about arts organizations through the lens of human-cen- tered design. It’s been so rewarding to see the vertical garden come to life I am always curious about what is new and innovative in St. Louis. Pluto’s journey into Aquarius. RB LW AD CP EM JK with native florals, birds, bugs & other living creatures. I’m curious to see how the garden evolves over the next season! This region is full of interesting and creative people, and I enjoy discovering more about what makes this community unique. I’m curious about how examining internal processes and communica- tion through this lens can improve company culture, streamline systems, create work-life balance and improve the health of the industry as a whole. The Sheldon staff on what’s making them feel col rfully curious right now. The fact that there are no squirrels in Hawaii. WHY IS IT SO HOT ? I’ve b en think g a lot about ar s organizations through t e lens of human-cen- tered design. It’s been so rewarding to see the vertical garden come to life I am always curious about what is new and innovative in St. Louis. Pluto’s journey into Aquarius. RB LW AD CP EM JK with native florals, birds, bugs & other living creatures. I’m curious to see how the garden evol es over the n xt season! This region is full of interesting and creative people, and I enjoy discovering more about what makes this community unique. I’m curious about how examining internal process and communica- tion through t is lens can improve company cult re, streamline systems, creat work-life balance and improve the health of the industry as whole. The Sheldon staff on what’s making them feel colorfully curious right now. The fact that there are no squirrels in Hawaii. WHY IS IT S HOT ? I’ve been t inking a lot about arts organizations through the lens of human-cen- tered design. It’s been so rewarding to see the vertical garden come to life I am always curious about what is new and innovative in St. Louis. Pluto’s journey into Aquarius. RB LW AD CP EM JK with native florals, birds, bugs & other living creatures. I’m curious to see how the garden evolves over the next season! This region is full of interesting and creative people, and I enjoy discovering more about what makes this community unique. I’m curious about how examining intern l processes and communica- tion through this lens can improve company culture, strea line systems, create work-life balance and improve the health of the industry as a whole. 4 VOL. 02 2023—2024